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What are the certification standards of Yuantai Derun Steel Pipe Manufacturing Group?

What are the certification standards of Yuantai Derun Steel Pipe Manufacturing Group?

Dec 26,2022
square hollow section certificate
Quality certification, to some extent, indicates whether the product quality is up to the standard. At present, many steel plants and enterprises are beginning to realize the benefits of quality certification for enterprises. Well, steel mills
What benefits can the quality certification of the industry bring to the enterprise? Today, I would like to summarize what the certification of Yuantai Derun Steel Pipe Manufacturing Group has, and what enterprise strength and level they represent.
1. Represent the enterprise's quality management level ISO9001, environmental protection management level ISO14001, and occupational health system management level ISO45001
In order to obtain the qualification of quality certification, enterprises must first establish a quality system in accordance with the GB/T19000-ISO 9000 standard, and do a good job in production management in strict accordance with the standard
Step by step to establish and improve the quality system, so that the enterprise can achieve the goal of good production quality and low cost,
2. The certificates representing the product quality level include the European standard certification EN10219 and EN10210, the Japanese and Korean product certificate JIS certification, which proves that the product conforms to the BV certification of the French shipbuilding level, the DNV certification representing that the steel pipe conforms to the German and Norwegian shipbuilding strength, and the BC1 certification representing that the steel pipe product conforms to the relevant standards of Singapore building materials, which can improve the product competitiveness, expand sales and improve profits. The certification mark is a reliable proof of product quality. The products with the certification mark have obvious competitiveness in the market and are trusted by the majority of customers, which can effectively expand sales and thus improve profits.
3. LEED world green certification is conducive to opening the export market of environment-friendly building materials
The implementation of LEED quality certification system is a common practice in many developed countries, and many purchasers engaged in international trade are willing or designated to purchase LEED certified products. Therefore, obtaining LEED certification is the need for products to enter the international market and expand exports.
4. The certification of steel pipe products in line with the national standard protects the legitimate rights and interests of both the purchaser and the enterprise
The regulations on the administration of product quality certification in China stipulate that: "Where a product is manufactured and sold without certification or with certification marks that are unqualified, the standardization administrative department shall order it to stop
The sales shall be stopped, and a fine of not more than three times the illegal income shall be imposed, and a fine of not more than 5000 yuan may be imposed on the person in charge of the illegal unit. " If your products are certified,
When it is found that similar products produced by other manufacturers falsely use the certification mark, the certification authority will deal with it according to law, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the certification manufacturers.
5. In addition, the third party cooperating with the purchaser can conduct supervision and random inspection of steel products
Although China's product quality certification management regulations stipulate that "products approved for certification shall be exempted from other inspections except for those required by national laws and administrative regulations". This one is
It is stipulated that the supervision and random inspection of enterprise products from all parties are particularly frequent. After the enterprise products obtain the certification qualification, it can reduce the overweight caused by various supervision and random inspections
Burden is of practical significance to enterprises. However, in order to make purchasers all over the world feel completely at ease, we, Yuantai derun Steel Pipe Manufacturing Group, also accept the random inspection and testing by the third party of purchasers.
6. In addition, online platforms such as Credit China can also check the relevant information of the Group, improve the corporate image, and gain the trust of customers. With the quality management system certification certificate, it will help steel enterprises to establish a good image, gain the trust of customers, and thus obtain brand benefits.
As an excellent steel plant enterprise, it is necessary to establish a quality management system, which not only adds a lot of benefits to the enterprise, but also provides customers with good reference value. The above is off
The introduction of enterprise certification of Yuyuan Taide Run Steel Plant hopes to help you.